Design Bundles



This blog has a lot of affiliate links. That means, if you click on any link and buy that item, I might get a small fee as reward.
Thank you!

subota, 23. travnja 2022.

subota, 16. travnja 2022.



in O'scraps store

Repost PS Hello blogtrain

 Hi everyone!

This is another old blogtrain for then Pixel Scrapper (today that site is It was in May of 2014 - sooo long ago.

DOWNLOAD (MediaFire)

The rest of blogtrain can be found here, but I can't guarantee that all parts are still active.

subota, 9. travnja 2022.

Vintage Album Collection: In Summery Kit


in O'Scraps store

Repost MF sport

 Hi everyone!
This blogtrain last only couple of months, so most of it I deleted off blog or repurposed to freebies in my CF store. But here's one part. Since I have some sport roots in my family, I decided this blogtrain part will stay on blog.

DOWNLOAD (MediaFire)
